Have you ever apologized to your unborn child


I felt so alone and so sad that I looked down this evening and apologized to my child for putting him/her through what has been a week from hell.

I have been put in the middle of my mother and her parents. They constantly talk trash about eachother and are all negative to eachother. My grandparents are married and HATE eachother. After fighting with my mother this evening I told myself that I can not be apart of this situation anymore.

I don't want to give them an ultimatum and maybe they will not change their behavior but I can not raise my child around so much negativity. Im at a loss on how to constructively tell them that. My grandfather is a very angry alcoholic but he loves me and he is abusive to my grandmother and mother. They both refuse to leave or make any changes for the better. They are in turn abusive to eachother and my brother and I. All of us grown adults. Every visit home this continues and the last few years my husband has witnessed all of this and is a saint. I would not be so kind. He always stands up for me but respects my choices.

If I didnt make the change for myself I need to do it for my child and I am already so sorry that he/she has had to absorb all of my tears and anxiety over it. I pray at least for my child's sake they will know their family but also for the strength to be okay to walk away. I have written down everything I need to say and if there is no agreeable change to be tolerant of eachother and at least amicable then I will not be around.