Mom. Please I love you. Why don’t you love me?

Mom, why are you so angry right now? I love you but you’re being crazy. Early today you said I don’t like a lot of food and said grandma does and I said “I really trust her sense of food over my own” which I’ll be honest is sassy and I’m sorry but replying with “WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BEING SUCH A DICK LATELY, seriously what the fuck. None of any other of my kids are this bad”. I apologized and you said I didn’t mean it. I walked upstairs and cried, I dunno maybe I’m just over sensitive right now. But it really made me feel bad. Even just a second ago I was complaining about my sisters and you said “I hope when you have kids I can tell you how much they suck so you can feel like shit too” so I said I was sorry again and I didn’t realize how much it bothered you, but you just stopped talking to me. Mom, I love you so much. But can you stop you used to be so nice and happy but the past few weeks you’ve been so cruel and rude and critical it makes me feel so bad about myself. I know I’m not the favorite, but why don’t you do it to anyone else? Is it because my older siblings home? What’s going on, I want to help Bc honestly I just feel like you hate me right now. Please tell me. I’ll try my best to help. I know I’m not as pretty, skinny, smart, fun, funny, or basically as good as my other five siblings. But I really am trying and I feel like you don’t get that. You’re not like this to anyone else. Please mom I’m only 13 and this hurts. It’s like I’m in my own personal hell.