Help... I’m overthinking

Kay • Pharmacist 👩🏽‍⚕️ Wifey 💍 Angel Mama 👼🏼 🌈baby due 8/4/19

I miscarried last January and since then we’ve gone through infertility treatments and all that glorious stuff. I’m 8w1d and my breasts aren’t as tender as they were and it’s making me nervous. The only symptoms I’ve had that were persistent is constipation (which I don’t have anymore but I’ve been treated to help with that), breast tenderness, and occasional nausea but no vomiting really. I’ve also been super tired... but lately I’m not as tired as I was... or maybe I’m just getting used to it?

I’ve had a sonogram at 5w5d and 6w5d and everything has looked great and we had a good heartbeat and everything. I haven’t had cramping or spotting or anything.... I’m just worried something could be wrong since it seems like some of my symptoms are disappearing. I go back Thursday for another sonogram.