Looking for advice


I took my IUD out October 16th and started my period 3 days later October 19th- I bled until October 25th. We first had sex after this all on October 27th to start trying for baby #2. I was feeling off so on November 16th I took a test expecting a negative but got a very noticeable faint positive. That means it was just a month after IUD removal. There were 8 other days we had sex until the positive.

Anyway I couldnt wait for our first ultrasound on January 4th, so December 20th I went for a private ultrasound but she only had the ability to do an abdominal ultrasound. When we did the ultrasound there was only a sac and possibly a yolk sac seen. My question is: do you think I was just too early to see baby through an abdominal ultrasound? Thanks for any feedback. I have my actual ultrasound with my doctor January 4th. I’ll include the hard to see pic below haha!