Popping the question? To him??

To start, my fiance has asked me several, several times to marry him. But only 2 of them were real proposals. The first time, with blueberries and whip cream eaten off my body with a promise of a ring eventually. The second was a year later, he got down on one knee and had a beautiful ring.

Since then we've had some serious rough patches. Like, almost relationship ending. Not all of them were his fault. The most recent patch was mostly my fault, not gonna go into details because there are a lot of judgemental women on here. Anyway, he's stopped wearing the ring I gave him that had been acting as a "married at heart" band.. I still wear my engagement ring but he wants to get me a new one because of all the shit that's happened between us while wearing the one I have now. He wants me to keep wearing this one until then.

So, I thought since I'm the one that caused these issues recently, should I be the one to propose when we get to that point again? I feel like it's something he'd appreciate. He feels like he's the only one that makes effort in our relationship. Which isn't true just how he feels right now because he's hurting. He recognizes that..

I do have a new ring for him. Should I actually do a marriage proposal or just a promise ring type of proposal? I want him to know I'm sorry, willing to take a step forward, and am committed to seeing this relationship succeed..