Raped, abused physically and emotionally


So i just wanted to let things out, Im Under 18 and I was raped while I was mad faded. I had drank alot that night, and smoked. I slept over at a grown mans pad, I had decided to run away and he let me stay there but little did I know that I was gonna get raped that night, by a man who is almost 30. I was too faded so I didnt really think anything of it. He touched me, gave me head, and fucked me. Finally I wasnt faded anymore and I pushed back and he kept trying to touch me. The next 2 days I went back because I had no where to stay, and me and some guy friends had pulled an all nighter. I decided not to drink that night, and then i woke up in the morning on the floor where I had slept. But i was waken up by getting hit by a belt on my ass, like I was some little abused kid that deserved a spanking. After that i yelled at him to stop but that one time that i yelled was a mistake because he got mad and didnt let me take a shower, and he didnt even open his car so i could get my backpack out which had my money, clothes, my toothbrush etc. I couldnt even be clean. Thats my story on how i was treated like a animal by a grown man, the time i was raped and hurt by someone who I didnt know.