Went into hospital to find out baby is.......

Went into the hospital last night at 38 weeks because I have gestational hypertension (very mild) and my blood pressure spiked and I had a headache all day. They ran tests, hooked me up to monitor, and did an ultrasound and I was told that baby is BREECH! I was so shocked. My doctor has been telling me she’s been head down since 28 weeks. I literally just had an internal exam done on Thursday and he didn’t say anything about her being breech? Is there a chance she moved to breech at 37-38 weeks? Or a chance that she would still move to head down position? I’m shocked!

& for anyone who has had a csection due to baby being breech I need advice! Can I schedule it this week at 38 weeks or do they typically wait until your 39 weeks to do it? Does the hospital call you to schedule or do you contact your DR? I’m confused!