8.3 bleeding

Samantha • Mama to Leona Mae 08/12/19 and Gemma Lee 08/26/22 💜 Baby #3 due 08/20/24

8+3 weeks. Woke up to blood, not bright red. When I wiped it was brownish. Had one clot but that’s it. Now there’s nothing. Called my dr and he said that normal and to only worry if it is red and continuous. I don’t know how I’m not supposed to worry!! I don’t have an appointment until Friday...to not know until then that everything is okay...did this happen to anyone else? What should I do? Go to the ER?

*Update* I went to the ER. Had a pelvic exam, blood work, and an ultrasound. Little jelly bean is safe with the little heart still flickering away and measuring right on schedule. They found a cyst on one of my ovaries and a UTI. So I’m happy I went because definitely gave me some peace of mind.