How to get a casual sex partner or FWB?

Don’t shame me. Relationships have never worked out, and I’m still hormonal so I can do what I want to please myself. Without just sex toys. How do you get a FWB or casual fuck buddy? Doesn’t mean an actual guy friend I hit up for sex that I already have. Not just one night stands, but a casual sex partner. I’m horny all the time m, but don’t want to just sleep with every guy. Plus then I’d be able to learn more and experiment more with a FWB. But don’t know anyone or how to go about that. I know TMI and weird but what’s a girl do? Any experience? Advice? Do I have to use a dating app like Tinder or Bumble (but then how do you explain more than just a one time like keep whenever we want and learn and do more) or after a one night stand that was great be like hey you want to keep having sex casually that was great? I use Tinder and Bumble but is always just a one time thing. I want more than one time. Someone to learn what I like with and do more with and get more comfortable with. Hope that makes sense. Help!