Hes being pathetic? Or me?

He's always saying stuff like "fuck my life" "nothing ever works out for me" "I hate my life" but I don't understand. I got him an amazing job making 2X the money and 10X less the work (than we we first started dating) with my dad. He's spoiled as shit between me, his family and my family. I live with him at his parents house because we are 20 and 21 and we just haven't made it out yet but we will for sure this summer. But truth is , his life doesn't suck. I'm the one working in customer service full time while going to school and I literally NEVER get a day off. I've had one day off in the last month, Christmas. He has been very negative and hostile. He hits shit and screams but he's never violent towards me. What do I do. I'm sorry this is long I'm just feeling resentment towards him for not feeling bad for me for working so hard and I literally never complained because I know things could be wayyyyyy wayyy worse. I've had worse. And he always makes me feel bad for him. He freaks over tiny shit ,he will have minor car problems or his phone won't charge, his video games make him scream so loud I want to leave but I have no where else to go. We have one car I live with his family, my family's house is full to the max ..