Looking for logical answers...


My husband and I have tried to conceive for a while now. I’ve noticed my body doing strange things the last couple of days that makes me feel like I don’t know my own body and am going crazy, i had my last period on Dec. 13. I’ve noticed my vaginal area has been twinging like it has a pulse. This morning I’ve had hot flashes, and today duding church I was so nauseated I had to go to the bathroom to vomit nothing but clear stuff. Then I had to pee and I have some “cloudy” bright red blood in the toilet. After the episode in the bathroom I was nauseated I couldn’t eat anything (I could only ha dale sprite) and I became so cold out of no where. I came home from church and slept 4 hours. I still feel nauseated and exhausted. My body is certainly doing some strange stuff which makes me wonder if this is signs of pregnancy?