This is going to sound crazy. No judgment lol


So I had lower back pain and below my rib pain on my right side. It was intense and painful for 5 days in a row right. I couldn't sit. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't walk. I couldn't do anything. I went to the doctor they gave me muscle relaxers but they made me super nauseous and I couldn't eat. So I stopped taking them. Nothing would help. Nothing. Not a heating pad, cold pack, warm bath or a massage. But baby was extremely active on my right side the whole time. I thought he was pushing my buttons lol but now I low-key think he was massaging me from in the womb because I woke up with no pain. Feeling brand new and he went back to his usual self. Call me crazy but I think my boy was helping his mama out 😂

(I'm 33 weeks 4 days now lol)