
Aubrey • Mama to 1 & baby #2 on the way

I’m 25 weeks pregnant, first time mom. All of a sudden I’m filled with this crazy amount of anxiety. Anxiety about getting even bigger and more uncomfortable on top of all the pain I already have. Anxiety about having my baby and getting PPDepression afterwards and not loving him or connecting with him. I know all of these fears are normal but they keep me awake all night. I’m freaking out so bad I almost just wish I never got pregnant. Which isn’t true because I’ve wanted to be a mom my whole life. But the anxiety is making me feel like I can’t handle it and I was stupid to do it or something. Like I’m not equipped to handle pregnancy and motherhood and it was a bad idea. I know once he’s here I won’t think that. But I just keep having horrible thoughts of getting depression like you hear stories about. And anxiety about getting bigger and going into labor.

Some one tell me I’m not crazy. I can do this right?