20 week screening and blood test

I was on a vacation when I got pregnant for 13 weeks so I couldn’t do the NIPT (they didn’t have it where I was). However, they did do the ultrasound that shows if there is liquid behind the neck which indicates that the baby might have down syndrome. The doctor told me baby was healthy and growing normally.

When I came back to Cali my doctor did a blood test when I was almost 17 weeks, it’s called “california prenatal screening” that shows if the baby have any abnormality, have any type of trisomy, etc. She also scheduled me for 20 weeks screening.

I am still waiting for the blood results to come back and I can’t stop stressing if my baby is healthy. This is our first baby. I don’t know what to expect and how to react. My husband and I decided no matter what we want the baby but I just can’t not stop worrying.

If anyone done the blood test and screening; how long did it take to hear back about the blood results? What do they check for in the long 45 mins screening?