Molar pregnancy?


Has anyone had a molar pregnancy that can shed some light? It all started with a little bit of pink spotting. Day after day the pink spotting increased but didn’t change in colour. The cramps started. The cramps have been bad. I went in for an ultrasound this weekend and blood work. My ultrasound showed multiple cysts in the uterus, a yolk sac and fetal pole, measuring way smaller for 5 weeks 6 days with no fetal heartbeat. My hcg levels were 25,000.

The bleeding is picking up but less than light and the cramps are aweful. Back to urgent care I went today. They repeated hcg and I’m to follow up with the clinic tomorrow. The urgent care doc said they might be suspecting a partial molar pregnancy but it’s hard to say at this point. I have an ultrasound booked for next Saturday but I don’t know if I’ll make it till then. I’m in rough shape