27 weeks with small blood clot in mucus (NO PICTURE)

Tree • 💙3-15-16❤3-22-18💙3-28-19

I am waiting for a call back from a doc on call.

This is also my third pregnancy.

I also know that mucus plugs can/do regenerate.

I'm worried because there was a small blood clot in a pink tinged mucus. No pain at all and baby is moving fine.

I had light bleeding with my second and went to l&d twice but it was from sex.

So this time I'm clueless.

Anyone had this happen and was fine? And what was it?

(I'm not looking for answers as to what my issue could be as I already got my answer)

*I just got a call from my doc and she said just to monitor it as she thinks it's from sex within the last couple days.