I have questions

I'm on famara and I'm supposed to test cycle days 10-12. This cycle I tested on cycle day 8 (because I only had a 5 day period when I usually have 7-8 day period)

It came out at peak. So later when I went to the bathroom before bding I was lightly spotting I tried to shake it off as old period but I also had a pos opk.

Fast forward 3 days I had bad menstrual feeling cramps. Never had it before. But it hurt. Took an opk cause I was like "I wonder if it could be ovulation pain?" Sure enough came back at peak.

To try to confirm the lh drop I tested the next two days. It finally came back neg.

My question is, did I ovulate on cycle day 8 or cycle day 11? The opk have been neg ever since (I'm on cycle day 17 now)