NYE Di/Di twins at 34+4

My morning started at 5:30 thinking I had to go to the bathroom pretty badly. Quickly realized I was in labor and rushed to the hospital (about 15 min away) turns out I slept through most of my labor and was already dilated to a 10. Within 20 min I was already in OR. Both babies were head down and we tried for vaginal but baby Bs heart rate would go down every time I pushed so we had to go for a csection. Not ideal but my “birth plan” was simply babies’ health comes first. Baby A was born 4.9 lbs, baby B at 4.5. Both babies are in NICU right now and with the pain of csection I’ve only been up once to see them. Both have feeding tubes right now and Baby B has a cpap on to help with breathing but isn’t needing extra oxygen. Lift this momma up, tell me your win story of a moderate preemie twin birth. I want so desperately to go home with my babies.