Heavy bleed and cramps at 5 weeks (TMI?)


Hi ladies,

I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant last Sunday (23rd Dec) I didn’t “miss” my period in December (was supposed to start 14th but came early on the 10th) it was just really light and with hardly any cramping compared to my usual where I am incredibly heavy and can hardly move due to the pain. Since then I have been spotting on and off watery brown discharge varying in heavy ness until Sunday evening (30th Dec) when I started to have what I would call moderate period cramps and the brown discharge turned red. Overnight it got heavier and I passed clots and I could hardly move for the pain and was filling a pad or so every couple of hours and more so whenever I went to the loo (sorry tmi). I was convinced I was having a miscarriage so went to EPAC yesterday morning (Monday 31st Dec) and the Doctor took a pregnancy test (I know they can still show positive after mc) and some bloods. She called 3 hrs later and said she couldn’t rule out a mc but because I have endometriosis and cysts these could be causing the bleeds and apparently I have “lots” (not sure what lots is...?) of the pregnancy hormone in my blood which apparently would not be indicative of a mc at the moment??? I have been ttc with my partner for over a year and this is the first time we’ve managed it and I’m terrified I’m loosing the wee babba as I can’t see how you can bleed this much and still be ok? Has anyone had anything similar?

Sorry for epic novel of a post Xx