Pregnant again??


On Dec 2nd I was informed that I was having a missed miscarriage. On Dec 6th I passed everything and an ultrasound confirmed it that day at the hospital. Idk if my levels ever came down because I have just been anxious to see a doctor plus my obgyn is always booked so I think I need to find a new doctor. I have taken pregnancy test and I have seen them only get to very faint lines. I believe this one that was taken on yesterday at 6:24 am is negative.

Well I’m about 4 weeks since my miscarriage and I have been feeling like my period is going to come. I decided to take a test this morning and this is what I got @ 3:50 am.

So am I pregnant again??? I will retest in a week because I feel like I have been driving myself and my husband crazy with testing with pregnancy test all month.