BIL and SIL infertility struggles


Long post, so bear with me...

My husband's brother and his wife are struggling to get pregnant and my husband and I got pregnant within a month of trying. According to my husband, who spoke to my MIL, they found it incredibly painful to see me 6 months pregnant over Christmas and now my MIL who is a midwife said to my husband that I shouldn't be rubbing my belly because it might bring on contractions. He then also told me that seeing me touch and rub my belly was hard for my SIL watch, so I'm a bit sceptical about MIL's 'advice'.

Now I just feel guilty. I didn't do it consciously - in fact I did it only when baby was kicking me uncomfortably - and now I feel like that bitch that rubbed it in their faces.

I'm now also under the impression that my MIL thinks I was being insensitive and I spent a large chunk of yesterday afternoon crying from guilt and empathy towards my SIL. I feel that I don't deserve my baby girl and that I need to hide my pregnancy.

My BIL and SIL are coming to visit us in Switzerland for a skiing trip with my FIL and other SIL in about 9 days, so now I'm tempted to cover up all the signs of our baby prep and maybe find an excuse to not be there when they come to visit.

I don't really know how to handle this situation and need some advice. My in-laws are a very traditional French family of doctors, and they don't really air out problems the way my British side of the family does, so it has left me in an awkward position, especially since there is a language barrier for me to overcome on top of all this.

As always, advice would be appreciated. I hope no one thinks I'm being insensitive or whiney - I really didn't think to I was touching my belly all that much...