Ladies PLZ help with input! Pre-TTC checklist


My husband and I are making a list of all things pre-pregnancy that need to be done. Honestly we are kind of dense on this subject but we are trying to stay ahead of the curve so we are ready when we start TTC and then when we become pregnant.

So far we have

1) Diet changes (like more vitamins/supplements, slowly taking out any processed foods, cut way down on sugar, etc for both of us) *feel free to comment other suggestions for this! We want a diet that is sustainable as well for when I am pregnant/breastfeeding in general unless extreme circumstances

2) Regular workout schedule (for me, something sustainable through pregnancy and hopefully geared toward strengthening glutes, muscles around the hip, back muscles, and pelvic floor) **any specific workout suggestions would be amazing (for him, just regular exercise. He currently lifts but we agreed yoga to increase his flexibility, etc)

3) chemical free home (household cleaners, body wash, shampoo, etc)

4) baby proofing current home

5) selection of doctor/OBGYN or maybe midwife (how do we do this? No idea. Especially since we aren’t even pregnant)

6) preferred birth location (hospital, home birth?, birthing center)

7) Essential group reading for pregnancy, birthing, and for when baby arrives (suggestions please for something worth our time)

8) stocking up on essential items (but like what?)

Anything we should add or take away? Any suggestions for any of the groups? We don’t know anyone personally who has planned for their baby so we don’t have a lot of personal resources and the internet in general can be very difficult to navigate through what is reasonable and logical. Thanks in advance ladies 💗