Long pregnancy rant! Help guys!😩

Natasha • PNW🌲| 25✨| MA💍| Mom💕

So maybe I have watched way to many romantic movies or I’m just reflecting my self hate on to my pregnancy but I need advice. When I was 16 my mom gave birth to my little sister and being a single mom she went back to work after a week and I stayed home and did online classes to watch my sister. Since that day I couldn’t wait to be a mom, it’s all I though about. I have worked is the school system since graduating because I love kids so much. Well flash to the present I’m 22 years old and FTM 22 weeks pregnant today and I just feel like I’m not bonding with my belly or baby, I feel weird calling our daughter by her name and just keep saying it, she or baby. I also when talking to my husband about her I always say your daughter and he corrects every time. I’m so unbelievably excited to finally be a mom and to start this adventure with my husband and I absolutely can’t wait to meet her but why do I feel so conflicted. I hold my belly at night a love feeling her move but sometimes it also scares me, like did we rush into this? Are we going to be good parents? Can we provide a healthy home for her? I’m a planner and I have so many unanswered questions that make me scared. I’m scared on her arrival that I’ll be like wow your so cute and love her obviously but not like they say you do when you see your baby for the first time. I wanna bond and feel connected do, this is all I’ve wanted for so long and it’s just not how I imagined it at all. Thank you ladies in advance for your advice.