Am I alone?


Hello I’m new to this. I signed up to get support from other women having the same issue I am. Also to support. I wanted to share my story. I was 18 when I got married the first time. I always had some what of irregular periods. When I lost my virginity my cycles went super irregular. I didn’t have a cycle for 6 months after losing my virginity. We thought wow am I pregnant? Nope I wasn’t. I always knew I wanted to be a mother there was no doubt about that. Time was just passing us by never really decided at that time that we were ready to try, till a couple years later. But nothing would happen. As time was passing and seeing negative after negative test I gave up wanting to try. Then bam 4 years later after try I finally got a positive! Boy was I a emotional wreck. I was 2 months pregnant when I found out. At 3 months I had a miscarriage damn that took me on a extreme emotional roller coaster. 6 months after my miscarriage I was pregnant again and I was super scared. I was so careful with everything. Due to my miscarriage my doctor had me as a high risk pregnancy and had me on bed rest from 4 months till the day I gave birth to my princess ♥️ that is now 10. My rainbow baby 👶🏻. We tried 2 years after having her and no luck nor luck with our marriage. We divorced. After 3 years of being divorced I met my husband. Having another child was in both of our wants for our future. My daughter was 5 at the time and his was 8. Our only children. We knew we wanted at least one. We just made 5 years together and 3 married. In those 5 years we haven’t used any protection or birth control in 4 out of the 5 years together. Till this day we haven’t been so lucky. So many friends and family around me having babies like no tomorrow lol. I say it that way because most are on their third or fourth child and I’m trying so hard to have my second. Recently I had a period. 2018 I only missed 2 cycles not bad compared to what it usually is. 2 weeks after my period I started spotting it wasn’t like a regular period it was different. I spotted very light for 2 days. I was a bit confused but oh well. I decided to take a Pregnancy Test it came out positive. A few hours later I took another one a different brand and it was negative 😥. I started thinking did I wait to long with the first test but then again I don’t think I did. All my previous negative test have always stayed negative after 20 minutes even after 24 hours after. So I found it weird. I was so excited and emotional then heart broken with the negative test. After that I took test just about daily. I got one more positive but the line was very very faint. After it was all negatives. I’m positive I’m not pregnant and it’s just heart braking. Many say it can be a weight issue. Maybe losing some weight will help. Ok maybe it can be. But I know many many women twice my size and have had no issues with conceiving. Also have more then one child. I pray so much for this little miracle we want to badly. Hopefully 2019 we will be blessed with out little bundle of joy.