Best tampons for super heavy flow in UK?

Hi ladies, looking for some help!

I've suffered with PCOS for a number of years and have always had horrendous periods that have came with that. I'm talking having to get up every hour through the night to change because I start leaking if I leave it any longer. This causes loads of problems with work and sleeping etc. and I'm just fed up.

I have always used lil-lets applicator tampons in "Super Plus Extra" because I have found for the biggest ones I can find, they are the easiest to insert comfortably, easy to remove due to knot in the string, they are a better shape and offer the best protection. I always use them with a pad for "just in case" as my period is always so unpredictable in terms of flow. I cant rely on pads alone as I have a lot of clots and I feel it would just be too messy and just asking for leaks.

I have been suggested going on the pill but we are TTC so I don't want to.

I was just wondering how you other ladies with PCOS deal with such heavy periods? I'd love to be able to have a good night's sleep and not worry about having to keep tampons in my bra at work! Any tips are greatly appreciated!