I just feel like venting..


I’m 9w4ds and still havent even seen a ob gyn! I went into my primary care clinic at 6 weeks had a basic urine and blood test and was told I had to wait two weeks for them to refer me to a ob gyn. I found a doctor that I wanted that was covered by my insurance and they said they would try to request them. Two weeks later I was denied my request and sent to a one star clinic an hour away from where I live. I called back, and asked why I wasn’t approved for the clinic I wanted. I was told it was because I wasn’t “high risk” enough to go to that clinic. I asked, why do I have to go to this clinic thats so far away from me? They said they couldn’t get me any closer. Because I found this all very hard to believe, I called the ob gyn I wanted to go to and asked why I was denied authorization. The lady on the phone talked to her supervisor and said she had no idea why, she said that they had patients with my insurance who were not “high risk” and that there should be no reason why I should have been denied. I called the insurance company and asked why I was denied. The insurance company didn’t understand why and had their supervisor call me back two days later. Finally I get a call back days later and she regurgitates that same bologna about not being high risk enough, and I call bullshit on what she said. She said she’d file a grievance for me and try to see if that would help at all. I call back to my referrals lady over at my general clinic and I tell her everything that had happened. She goes back over her notes to decipher what happened and she said that I wasn’t “denied” they just wanted to put me in the cheaper clinic because it cost the insurance company less and this whole “high risk” thing was a way to give me less expensive and poorer care. I asked the referral lady to please push for a second request for authorization and on the second attempt and another week later I was finally approved. So....today, I call the ob gyn to finally make my first appointment...but no. They sent the authorization to right medical center but the wrong clinic!!! She said, she can see that it was authorized but it was sent to the wrong part of town. I asked “well you all work together can’t you just talk to eachother”...no of course not. So back on the phone to my referrals lady at my general clinic, I ask her to please send the authorization over to the right clinic so I can just make my first appointment. Now I’m waiting to get a call back to find out if they got the authorization, and then finally for the love of god and all that is holy I should be able to make my first stupid appointment.