Baby registry

Okay ladies, what’s some must haves on the baby registry?!?! Best car seats bottles etc!!

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What brand of diapers?? I’m leaning towards pampers but this will be my first!! Super excited but terrified at the same time! Other than diapers and wipes, what’s one thing to definitely stock up on?? Should I get more newborn or 0-3 month clothes?!?


Julie • Jan 2, 2019
Get a big tub or diaper cream too to use as a preventative. I didn’t realize how easy it is for a newborn to get diaper rash. Get a diaper cream brush for application. Makes it sooo much cleaner. Put hand sanitizer by the changing table too so you can get little ones clothes back on before setting him down and washing your hands.


Julie • Jan 2, 2019
We are happy with pampers so far. We used huggies in the hospital. We also like the pampers sensitive wipes best after trying a few different kinds.


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Also! Where did you ladies create your registry at? And when did you have a baby shower??


Julie • Jan 2, 2019
Most of my registry was at Target because returns are sooo easy there and I got gift cards that I could use on things I didn’t want to put on the registry like breast pads and maxi pads and nipple cream (use bamboobies and/or coconut oil).


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We wouldn’t survive without our rock n play. Most used item by far. Don’t bother with too many muslin or flannel swaddle blankets. We only use our Velcro ones. He can get out of the rest of them very easily. Don’t bother with a changing pad cover if you’re having a boy. He will pee on it twice a day. Get the oval ones that just sit on top and can be pulled out from under him and thrown in the laundry basket. Don’t register for too many clothes (if any). That becomes people’s favorite gift AFTER the baby is born. Maybe just buy a few outfits after the shower with any gift cards you get for when he first comes home. Get a ton of bibs with the waterproof layer inside. Babies are sooooo messy. We had to buy more after baby was born.Even if you’re planning on breastfeeding, have a small container of formula on hand just in case (or just use free samples like we had). Breastfeeding is hard and you may need to supplement to keep baby healthy. Get a baby monitor that does not go only to your phone. You will still want to monitor baby when you are looking at other things on your phone or talking on it. Stock up on diapers. We did a diaper raffle at the shower and got a ton of diapers but it still wasn’t enough. It’s amazing how many diapers newborns go through in a day. Get some MAM brand pacifiers. All the rest were too big for our little one at first. Get the large grass drying rack for bottles. They make a white one if green will clash with your kitchen. I actually ended up buying this after baby was born bc I didn’t think I’d need it. One of the little trees that fits into it is useful to hold the smaller bottle nipples and pacifiers too.A baby tub with an infant sling is good to have. Our baby loves lounging in the warm water and sticks his feet off the edge of the sling into his little tub. Get a couple different brands of bottles. You don’t know what your baby or you will end up liking. We got Madela for breast milk, and Nuk and Avent for formula. We go back and forth between which we like better. Baby keeps changing the way he feeds.Get the fridababy care kit. The rest are junk. Make sure it comes with a nail file. Boogie bears are useful when your newborn is stuffy. Those passages are so tiny that any little booger clogs it up. Boogie bears essentially are tiny nose-pickers.


Julie • Jan 2, 2019
Make sure the stroller you get folds down enough to fit in your vehicle.


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I love the chicco keyfit 30 car seat. Baby carrier (I prefer the ergo or Tula), thermometer (I like Braun ear thermometer), nipple cream if you’re planning on breastfeeding, diaper cream, baby lotions and soaps (I really like sheamoisture), crib sheets, stroller (I love the bob but now that we have two I prefer the Thule chariot lite). Don’t ask for clothes or blankets since you will get a ton of those anyway.