Baby Names

Samantha • Mama to Leona Mae 08/12/19 and Gemma Lee 08/26/22 💜 Baby #3 due 08/20/24

Just a few weeks ago we had lists for boy and girl with 10+ names each. We narrowed it down to 6 per list and decided we would wait until we knew gender to narrow it down any further. Last night at dinner we started looking at the lists and decided to each eliminate 1 from each list. So we had them down to 4 each.

For both lists we had my grandmas name for girl middle name and my grandpas name for boy middle name. Then out of nowhere my husband said he really liked my grandmas name for a first name and that was it, no more lists. Girls name decided. We also got the boys list down to one name.

I never imagined we would have it narrowed down this early but it’s so exciting to know that I can actually think of this little bean in terms of a name. Now just to wait to find out gender. ♥️🥰

Anyone else already have their names picked?!