Little man is finally here!


Went in for an induction on Thursday 12/27/2018 at 6pm thinking I was still 1 cm 🤷🏼‍♀️ they checked me before giving me the cervidil I was 3cm.. I’ll take that! I woke up that morning having mild contractions nothing to painful or close together. They started the cervidil around 7:30-8 pm. They came back in around 11 to check me as my contractions had gotten worse and closer together! (Just what we needed!) I was 8cm! They removed the cervidil. I was able to get on the birthing ball to see if it would help move things along a little quicker, he was still high up and my water hasn’t broke yet. That didn’t help at all. My contractions actually got worse lol. By 1220 am I had the epidural. That thing is definitely a life saver haha. However I didn’t manage to get any rest because the pressure was way to much. They come in to check me about 4 am and I was 9 almost 10 cm and they could feel the sac, my water still didn’t break.. well they gave my an option to push a little and get it to break or just wait it out to see if it breaks on its own.. needless to say it never did.. fast forward to around 1030 am dr broke my water and started pitocin. Let’s just things moved pretty fast after that. Around 12 I started “practice pushing” I felt the need to push so the nurse had to practice some to get things started since I was fully dilated and he was coming down! On December 28, at 2:16 pm I welcomed a perfectly healthy 7 lb 15oz, 20 in long baby boy!❤️❤️ Even with an epidural you still feel that ring of fire! That is definitely no joke! Lol. They couldn’t stop the bleeding after he was born so I got some shots and pills to help. Thank god they worked! And I also had 3rd degree tears!