Rainbow baby help

i everyone I lost my baby girl at 16 weeks in september. It was absolute devastating as anybody who has had a loss knows. Even after the loss it was hell I have birth to my still silent baby girl 1.30 am on 5th September after that I had complications my placenta was inside me for 9 hours trapped I had so many drugs to try and get it out so many doctors and surgeons try to manually remove it it didn't work I lost 2 litres of blood and in the end they finally had space to take me to surgery where I got put to sleep to have it removed. So having to deal with losing my baby girl and then all.of that on top I was in hospital a week and had to have a blood transfusion. However the reason for this post is I am now 8 weeks pregnant and even tho it is what I wanted as I felt it would fill that empty hole in my tummy I am an absolute nervous wreck I physicaly cannot sleep I am awake till gone 3am some nights having flash backs and adamant it is going to happen again it's like as soon as my partner falls to sleep it starts has anybody had this and did it get better I'm hoping when I'm.past 16 weeks when it happened I will relax slightly but st the minute it feels like I will never recover from the trauma