Advice to those worried about spotting/cramping

Just wanted to share my own experience in hopes it may help someone else on here!

Last night I had slight cramping and when I went to the bathroom I noticed a very small amount of dark red blood when I wiped. After that I continually checked but did not see anymore blood. I began to panic considering I’m a very anxious person. I looked up some information and found some posts on here with people that had similar issues. From what I found, everything said that a little bleeding and cramping at 9 weeks is normal. I tried to relax but was still very worried. In the morning I talked to my mother about what happened and she urged me to call my doctor anyways. I didn’t want to call for the fear they might think I was a psycho for calling about 2 drops of blood. But I did and they actually told me to come in. The doctor told me that they were going to do everything they could to ease my mind. So they tried to find a heartbeat(knowing that it would probably be to early) and when they didn’t find anything they sent me to get an ultrasound having to pull strings to get me in right away. I’m so blessed that they ended up seeing my baby and everything looked great and I even got to take home some pictures to show my husband. Long story short, although it is hard, don’t rely on social media and google for all your information. And if you’re worried about anything don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor. You’re worthy of having your mind at ease, especially considering something so important. I hope that all of you have doctors that are understanding and available as mine are.