Should I get him a birthday gift?

So I’ve been talking to this guy lately, we’ve been hitting it off really well. He said he really likes me and wants to go on future dates and take me to hockey games and stuff. (We’re not actually officially dating yet) the only thing is this “relationship” is fairly new and his birthday is coming up in two weeks. Idk if I should get him something. I really like him. But i feel like I still don’t know him so so well to get him the perfect gift. He’s turning 18 in two weeks and I’m turning 17 in 4 months. My friend thinks I should and said he’s really sweet and stuff that he would do the same for me. Idk if I should just straight out ask bc it would ruin the surprise. Should I get him a gift? And if so, what are ideas for a reasonable gift?? Something affordable too bc I don’t have a job as of rn😂 help!!!

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