
I was recently diagnosed with hsv 1 and 2. I got it from my boyfriend cheating on me with his ex in August. I had already made an appt to get checked when I found out about them and right after that before my actual appt I got a message from her saying she had it and that he knew too. (Talk about bring pissed) I've had many many sexual partners in my life but I've always kept myself in check for these things. And i was in the clear before i met him and had not slept with anybody since being tested last. He didnt go get tested (wont) and still hasnt. But I ended up testing positive for both (and clamydyia I might add) which is crazy to me considering I got it while in a relationship and I have been faithful (first time ever too) and not when I was whore. ( I was what I was, ain't no use in denying it) but anyways he has yet to have any breakouts at all. But I myself have done had a breakout on my mouth and on my vagina. I just got over the one down south literally last week (i am not taking the daily pill but the one you take when you have an outbreak) and finished all my meds only to get another outbreak 2 days after so I am on another dose of meds as we speak. My first outbreak down there wasn't so bad but this is lower and where it is its constantly rubbing and it is very very painful to pee an even walk. I don't have insurance and they said the cream they prescribe is high. He said he would get it no matter the price (he fucking better) but was wondering if anybody knew any other over the counter cheaper creams I might could get. I have a 3 year old boy to chase after all day long and I cant just not get up ya know. Any advice on any meds or remedies of any sort would greatly be appreciated .