I might be losing my baby..

Maria • Rest in peace 🙏 to my husband beto I miss and love you so much. Widow. 😢

So im 6 weeks pregnant thought i was 7 till my ultrasound last Saturday baby measured at 6 weeks exactly good heart beat..ive has 2 misscarridges prior to this pregnancy and been checking my hcg which was going up.. So today they do a blood panel at my ob intake.and one of them was a hcg..so they call me back actually a different doctor had a different nurse call me cause my dr had day off. So they call and say that my hcg was not doubling that last week it was 1,600 and now its 1,700 and that it should be in the 2,000 and to prepare for a misscarridge cause this is not a reliable pregnancy. My husband is still positive that everything is ok hes wanting kids and so far im losing them. Im getting another ultrasound friday. So scared and nervous just need some good vibes my way please i know it dont look good i just need to vent and need posotive friends in my corner thank you please no negative comments.