New Years Shenanigans (involves sex story)

No rude comments please. If you don’t like it, leave and don’t comment.

Names are made up for the purpose of the story. No real names involved.

Where to begin. I went to the next village over from mine for NYE with a few friends. One of my friends (we will call her Daisy) and her new husband (we will call him John) and friend from University, my long term friend (we will call her Rose) and her boyfriend and my fiancé and his friend. We had a really good night, all got extremely drunk very quickly and had a really good laugh.

Then we went back to Daisy and John’s house. We carried on drinking and then me and Daisy went upstairs. John and my fiancé followed. Daisy got naked, we all thought she was getting changed and my fiancé looked away out of respect for me and for Daisy.

Daisy then climbed on top of me and started kissing me, naked. John took his top off, so my fiancé did too, that’s when he realised what was happening. I was too drunk to really comprehend what was going on. All I could see was Daisy, I forgot how partners were there. So John then said “she’s wearing too many clothes” about me (I was wearing my dress and tights) so they all started pulling my clothes off. Daisy got her vibrator out, we messed around and shit got really real really quickly.

We had a break and went for a fag. When we went downstairs everyone had left. They took my bottle of rum with them 😂

We then when upstairs and carried on... we swapped partners and the only people who didn’t sleep with each other was John and my fiancé because they aren’t gay at all.

Now Daisy feels weird about it and Rose is being shitty with me, but fine with Daisy. I don’t understand why it’s all my fault when daisy started it? Yes I was involved but why be fine with the person who made it all happen but be pissed at me? I didnt even realise or really believe what had happened until I got home the next day.

I don’t regret it. I feel weird about it. But everything happens for a reason. Why regret something you once enjoyed?

I’m not looking for comments telling me I’m disgusting and shit. I just needed to post it somewhere because I have no one to talk to about it.