Do I have PCOS?

Jessica • Mama to 2 boys 💙💙

I have an appt with a new ob next week but wanted some input here as I just had a chemical pregnancy after 1 month TTC.

I was put on birth control when I was 16 due to many ovarian cysts causing painful periods. I got off the pill 3-4 months ago after 15 years to begin conceiving. Since then I’ve had mainly normal periods and ovulating (I did ovulate 3 weeks late one cycle) but I average 30-31 day periods which I also did when I was younger, my periods have always been like clockwork. I now have cystic acne around my mouth and forehead. I’m thin (5’2 100 lbs), no excessive facial hair (I have tons of head hair that grows really fast and long), thyroid level is normal but on the low end, normal blood sugar, pain in ovaries during ovulation. I’m so worried to have another mc if I can avoid it 😞