5 medical professionals were wrong about my son!


I had my second son, Quinn, 10/28/18. He was 10lb 5oz and was ready to eat the second he was born.

Right away I suspected Quinn had a lip tie. My first son, Cooper, had a severe lip tie that we had revised when he was 1. It was missed by several pediatricians and we stopped nursing at 10 months because of supply issues (likely caused by his tie).

When Quinn was born I checked right away and thought he had a lip tie. While in the hospital I asked 2 different pediatricians if they thought he had a lip tie and they both said no. So I thought I was just being an over protective mom.

Quinn came home and we started to struggle with reflux. I saw a lactation consultant and asked her about a lip tie. She said that he could flange his lip ok so there was no tie. Again I felt like I was being crazy. He was gaining weight ok so I told myself not to worry.

We put Quinn on medicine to help with his “reflux”. They didn’t seem to do anything. So I asked a dentist and his pediatrician at his next visit (they have both at our clinic). They both told me no, in fact his pediatrician told us that “even if he has a tie, they won’t do anything about it at this age”. I knew she was wrong, I’d done so much research at this point.

I went home feeling crazy again. Finally yesterday we had a really bad morning and Quinn wouldn’t stop crying. He seemed so uncomfortable. So I called the dentist that did my first sons revision. They were willing to see us the this without a referral.

He was diagnosed with a lip and tongue tie and had both revised right away. He’s sleeping now but he’s already nursed since the procedure and it does feel different. Hopefully this will fix his reflux, I just wish I had listened to my gut sooner 😭

I absolutely adore my sons doctor but it has taught me that doctors don’t actually know everything. They can be wrong! We have to be our children’s loudest advocates.

Lip and tongue ties are very common, but not many people have heard of them, and they can cause a lot issues with breast feeding (fussiness, gas/reflux, sore nipples, supply issues, falling asleep while nursing, poor latch) and can cause issues later on with speech and eating. It can even cause issues for adults if it’s missed. Most pediatricians and even many lactation consultants are not trained in ties and can easily miss it.

Here’s a picture of both my cuties!

EDIT: Here is a picture of both of my sons lip ties