Guilty giving your first born a sibling?


I am so excited to have another baby. Second child. Brother or sister to my son- whom is 15 months. But I’m not gonna lie. I also feel an immense amount of guilt.

Guilt that my son won’t get all the attention from my hubs and I, his grandparents, etc.

Guilt that maybe I didn’t give him enough only child time.

Guilt that there’s going to be times where I just simply can’t pick him up and hold him when he just wants mama.

Guilt that there’s going to be nights where I kiss him goodnight and my husband will put him to sleep while I’m tending to a newborn.

This has to be normal. But it is starting to make me feel so bad.

Any other mamas go through this? How’d you get over it?

I’m currently 8 1/2 weeks and just feel like I can’t come to grips with the fact that he’s not going to be my only babe.