Need advice asap. A bit lengthy.

My boyfriend and I have been living together going on two years, but I live with him.. in his mom’s trailer. In total, there are 8 people who live in the place including me. I moved out of the dorms at my university to live with him, that was when I was a sophomore in college. I am now about to start my second semester as junior. He is not in school, but works full time as a landscaper. We plan on having a life together, etc etc. Well, I find it rather difficult to have a life together when living w not only his mother, but his two brothers, moms boyfriend, and his grandparents. He is a family man, which i love, but he tends to put his family first and before me every single time. At first I didn’t care much, but now I notice it more than anything. I’ve also been told multiple times by the grandma, ever since a week after the grandparents moved in, that i need to find a little trailer or some place to live of my own with my boyfriend. Ive been searching ever since because that made me feel bad, but the job my boyfriend had when i moved in wasn’t necessarily stable, and now w this one he makes more, but is also weird bc if it rains he doesn’t work. So unstable too i guess. But i just now got an offer to work at this children’s hospital as a scribe while I’m in school because it’ll work with my schedule, which means a bit more money coming in for us. Only problem is that, i found some nice affordable apartments in the area he wants to live( keeping in mind they are FIVE minutes from his mothers place ), but he is SO against them, apartments in general too. We argued twice about them and he hasn’t even seen or considered them. He is really closed minded. I told him im not going to live w his family forever and that’s all he wants. He said yes at first but was like no not forever, but were not moving until im out of school. And living w my family is not an option. We are not entirely financially stable but we will be having two incomes. The rent is w utilities included, in unit washer and dryer, etc. i have a vehicle paid off already, he is currently paying his off his and is 2,000$ ahead of his payments. I personally feel that we need something of our own. At first he said were moving by April, due to his personal safety concerns, and it was going to be his whole family w us. Then it changed to us and his two brothers, which i was beginning to be ok with. But then it switched to his whole family again, and they only want me to put the house that theyre wanting to get, in my name. But my thing is, i want MY own stuff to decorate it, i have certain things that i will want done or not want done. And once i get engaged or have a child? I dont want them living there. Ik its a bit harsh but theyre a bit controlling and ive allowed myself my whole life to be controlled.. so im tired of it and im an adult, i need my own voice. I mean... look at it this way, no girl wants to live with her in laws or have her man not prioritize her and their lives together. I just dont know what to do at this point. I cant take living w them for another year.. im judged all of the time no matter what i do, i find excuses not to be there as much as i can when my man is at work, and i dont even like eating dinner w them anymore. Im inlove with my man and leaving him isnt an option, but i just dont know what to tell him or how to say things anymore. It always leads to an argument or me being in the wrong, so idk what to say to get him to realize my perspective.