Some advice ladies..?

My husband started going out every night and drinking and staying out til 1-5am. he lost his job weeks ago, is doing nothing to find another, but when i say something about it, he gets mad and turns it into an argument.. then wants to leave bc “we’re fighting”. he’s trying to throw our whole marriage away and i’ve tried to talk things out and work it out and he’s so rude every time we try to talk. I’ll try to call him and he’ll answer and be like “what, leave me alone, quit calling me, i’m gonna turn my phone off” I’m pregnant and am high risk and I was hurting the other night and asked him to come home bc i thought something was wrong with the baby and he told me no he’s staying with his friend and stayed out all night partying. Do i just let him walk away?? i’ve tried fighting for our marriage and he’s just so disrespectful every time i try.