Baby two and bump with a vengeance


I am one of two girls who works in a tractor repair garage as counter staff as you can assume I only have mostly male customers and all my 8 other co workers are men. Today’s the first day I had to take off my sweatshirt dying of heat and they have all told me how cute my bump is. This is a problem since I’m in a XXL shirt and I’m usually a small to medium. Bump two is definable and here with a plan of letting everyone know I’m pregnant at 9 weeks. Hahah they all know but the customers have been awkward when saying I look nice and hinting I’m glowing 😂😂 it’s almost funny to see them squirm. Mean while my female coworker is jealous as she goes out of her way to be the center of the universe here 😂. Sorry girl I’m it’s glowing and have a wiggle baby bump ❤️