Having a hard time

So I recently found out I was pregnant, I’m 7w2d and I absolutely do not need/want another baby.. we have 4 already and we can barely afford that. I know it’s our fault and we weren’t clearly being careful that night, but this baby will cause all sorts of drama in my family.

One I’m already the black sheep, two, my sister is pregnant after seven years, they never wanted another one, then changed their minds got pregnant whatever.. the only person in my family that knows is my mom and she says I’m trying to steal my sisters thunder. We have a daughter who won’t even be one when this child is born.. I’m just exhausted and not sure what to do..

I would never abort, and wouldn’t choose adoption so I know I just have to man up and loose the only family i have left in order to have this baby.. but is it normal to just feel like this. I’ve never felt it with any of my other kids.