HELP! Please tell me THIS IS IT?


I am 12 DPO and I am supposed to get my period tomorrow. This morning when I woke up, I just (impulsively) decided to take a HPT. It’s my morning pee and I did not expect to see a faint line because I don’t really feel any symptoms. This would be my 2nd baby so I know how “pregnant” feels like.

I could not believe it when I saw the 2nd line show up! S

o I waited for about an hour or so to test again and the 2nd test is very very faint compared to the first one.

Could it be just a false test? I plan to retake another HPT tomorrow since tomorrow aunt Flo is supposed to show up (I freakin’ hope not)!

Please share your opinion or if you’ve experienced results like this before and did it end up as a BFP?!

Thanks and baby dust to all of you this 2019!!!