I don't deserve my husband

Megan • 28, Married💍, TTC baby #1 👶💋 Hypothyroidism&Hashimoto's 💊

My husband and I are not rich. We struggled a lot with finances throughout our relationship. Both of our families were supportive of our wedding this past September, but our familes couldn't put up a lot of money. During the process of planning a wedding, we weren't able to buy me a wedding band - we said that maybe we should turn it into a "One Year of Marriage" gift or something.

When I got in the car, something was off. He is horrible at keeping secrets, and his continuous smile and short responses kept giving him away. In the car I just asked him, "What's going on? Are you hiding something?" And he started giggling, pulled out the box and said, "I had this whole plan to surprise you, but I couldn't hold it in anymore!"

The ruby ring on top is my original engagement ring, the flower one on the bottom is the new wedding band/ring! (And they're vintage, I love vintage jewelry!)

He's been working so hard on saving his money since he's been in class full time, and he had to cut to working part time. It means so much to me and I wasn't expecting it 😭 He always goes above and beyond for us and he does whatever he can to make me happy. I don't deserve him because he's amazing. I'm forever grateful ♡