Need to vent.


So im a ftm. 15weeks with a lil boy. Iv tried for 8 years after my first loss. I lost my 2nd in april 2018. Im excited and all but my sister keeps trying to take the spot light with my family by trying for her 3rd. She has a boy and a girl already. I would be excited for them but my disabled mother has to raise her 2 kids already. Her and her kids father live with my mom and work but refuse to even potty train their kids. My nephew is 8 and still in diapers. My mom has to change both her kids butts and give them baths ect. They and 100% capable to take care of their kids but are just to lazy. She dont want my kid to get any attention at all so they want another one. I just dont understand how they can try for more but not take care of the 2 they already have.. Im so hurt for my lil boy already because he wont get the attention like hers will if she has another. Just so worried about my lil boy not being treated like family all because she needs attention.