Fluctuating blood pressure 35 weeks


So over the last month or so my BP has been gradually getting higher. Monday I went to L&D triage because my bp was 168/118 at home with a wrist cuff. When I got to triage it was 148/92. They did a urine which had +1 protein, and drew labs, had me on a monitor for about 2 hours with IV fluids while laying down. In that time my bp came down to 121/63. Labs came back fine. They sent me home. I had my 35 week OB appt today and when I got there my bp was 152/100. They had me lay down for about 20min. And it came down to 138/84. They ordered more blood work and a 24 hour urine. I have been monitoring my bp at home with a wrist cuff today and the highest it got at home was 138/82 but has also been as low as 117/64. Anyone else having or have had these issues? My OB suspects that I’m in the early stages of preeclampsia.