What do we have in common do you ever wonder ?


So me and my man get along good, got chemistry and understand each other somewhat he’s there for me we work together and going pretty good been a year. I just wonder tho we get along good everything seems good but what do we have on common?

Anyone else wonder this about there relationship or is it just me?

We love each other.

We are so different tho which is cool I love it doesn’t seem to matter I love our age gap interracial relationship and he’s tall I’m only 5’5 lol he’s 6’4 but I just don’t know what we have in common so much that is important trying to think..

he’s all about work and business which is good I guess. He’s loyal I can’t complain.

I dunno I guess I’m looking to answer my question with seeing if y’all had these thoughts or if y’all have a lot in common with your so.

I’m also a single mom so that’s my number 1 priority is my kids so we’ll see what happens with were our relationship goes.. I’m trying to be careful swore off men then met him was so done getting hurt and stupid toxic manipulative baby daddies but he’s been different so far and been there for me when he didn’t have to as I have had to deal with custody with my ex.

Thanks ladies sorry this got longer then I meant it to.