Worried... Sudden loss of pregnancy symptoms


I did a few at home pregnancy tests on the 29th and they all were positive. I swear I knew they would be positive because I had felt symptoms of tender and sore breasts, nausea, and just a general feeling of being pregnant almost right after ovulating. But last night I noticed I was able to sleep on my stomach for the first time almost since I’ve ovulated on 12/14 because I had zero breast pain or sensitivity. All day today I haven’t had any breast tenderness unless I touch or squeeze them myself. My nipples are still a little sensitive but not even close to what it was before. I also don’t have nausea anymore and I just feel like I’m bit pregnant anymore. I haven’t had any bleeding what so ever. But I did have a few weird pains that felt like a like lightning bolt in my vagina going up to my uterus. I’m so nervous and this is the first time I’ve ever dealt with anything like this and I’m just hoping to get any advice or if someone has gone through something similar?

Could this be a miscarriage? Do you always bleed with a miscarriage? Should I see a doctor?