Did I have a miscarriage? TMI


Okay so we had sex the day before my fertile window. Then like 6 days before my period I had light pink spotting... I thought implantation bleeding and was freaking out. Very light spotting. Basically only saw a bit on my underwear and when I wiped. Happened for 4 days then the last day it was BRIGHT RED. Mega cramps in my lift ovary area. Back huuurrttt. Yesterday I peed, and there was like a flesh colored ball in the toilet. I tried to get a better look...I had NO CLUE WHAT IT WAS. Then I was thinking miscarriage? But the pics I had seen before, the embryo was covered in dark blood. My bf is sick and he kept saying it was his poop and to flush it and stop looking at it. But I swear it wasn’t poop. Anyways, period should have started 3 days ago but I’m not pregnant. I was telling my friend that I’m not pregnant *yay* and about my weird spotting and she said I should only have worried if it was bright red(which it was) because that’s a sign of miscarriage. Idk maybe I’m uneducated but what do you think? Miscarriage? Weird boyfriend shit? Should I just shut up and let it go? I didn’t want a baby but it’s still sad if it was a miscarriage. Sorry this is weird. Just got me thinking.