Jokingly told my boyfriend I needed to poop now he’s grossed out

So my boyfriend is always like “I need to poop!!”, always farting, asking me to look at his poop cause it’s big (I havent), always shouting at me while he’s going, always describing it to me.

Me and my best friend joke around about it and will even FaceTime sometimes while going.

So today was the first time I’ve said it. He’s actually seen my poop before (we live together and I couldn’t flush for a day) and he’s heard me fart (in my sleep but it woke me up lmao) and we’ve done anal and pretty sure got some poop on him.

Anyway, so I was like “I’m about to tell you something I never have before. It could change everything” ... “I like really need to poop”

So we could start joking around abiht it and now hes being weird. We aren’t gross just open with each other. I thought it would be funny? Was I wrong for thinking that?